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OpenRouter is a unified interface for commercial and open-source models, giving you access to the best models at the best prices. You can sign up here, create your API key on the keys page, and then choose a model from the list of supported models.

Change ~/.continue/config.json to look like the following.

"models": [
"title": "OpenRouter LLaMA 70 8B",
"provider": "openrouter",
"model": "meta-llama/llama-3-70b-instruct",
"apiBase": "",
"apiKey": "..."

To utilize features such as provider preferences or model routing configuration, include these parameters inside the models[].requestsOptions.extraBodyProperties field of your plugin config.

For example, to prevent extra long prompts from being compressed, you can explicitly turn off the feature like so:

"models": [
"requestOptions": {
"extraBodyProperties": {
"transforms": []

Learn more about available settings here.