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The @docs context provider allows you to interact with your documentation directly within Continue. This feature enables you to index any static site or GitHub markdown pages, making it easier to access and utilize your documentation while coding.

Enabling the @docs context provider

To enable the @docs context provider, you need to add it to the list of context providers in your config.json file.

"contextProviders": [
{ "name": "docs" }

How It Works

The @docs context provider works by crawling specified documentation sites, generating embeddings, and storing them locally for you. This process allows for quick and efficient access to your documentation content.

  1. We crawl the specified documentation site
  2. Generate embeddings for the content
  3. Store the embeddings locally on your machine
  4. Provide access to the indexed content through the @docs context provider

Pre-indexed Documentation Sites

We offer a selection of pre-indexed documentation sites for popular frameworks and libraries. You can view the list of available pre-indexed sites and request additions here.

Indexing Your Own Documentation

Through the @docs Context Provider

To add a single documentation site, we recommend using the @docs context provider.

  1. Type @docs in the chat panel, hit enter
  2. Type "add" and select the "Add Docs" option
  3. Enter the required information into the dialog

Indexing will begin upon submission.

Through config.json

To add multiple documentation sites, we recommend adding them in bulk to your config.json file. Indexing will kick off upon file save.

The configuration schema is as follows:

"docs": [
"title": "Continue",
"startUrl": "",
"rootUrl": "",
"faviconUrl": "",
  • title: The name of the documentation site, used for identification in the UI.
  • startUrl: The URL where the indexing process should begin.
  • rootUrl: The base URL of the documentation site, used to determine which pages to index.
  • faviconUrl: The URL of the site's favicon, used for visual identification in the UI.

Crawling dynamically generated sites with useChromiumForDocsCrawling

By default, we use a lighter weight tool to crawl documentation sites that cannot render sites that are dynamically generated using JavaScript.

If you want to crawl a site that is dynamically generated, or you get an error while attempting to crawl a site, you can enable the experimental useChromiumForDocsCrawling feature in your config.json. This will download and install Chromium to ~/.continue/.utils.

"experimental": {
"useChromiumForDocsCrawling": true


How often is the indexed content updated?

Currently we do not automatically re-index your docs. If you would like to force a re-index, you can use the following command: Continue: Docs Force Re-Index.